www.Science and the Bible.net

Beyond The Rising Sun
Technical Mysteries of the Bible Age of Earth Quandary

Noteworthy Publications

Index to a series of publications on:
Exploring Science in the bible for the Intellectually Honest Inquisitor

Formal Papers Articles Published on Academia.edu:

Ancient Technical Knowledge and Modern Science on Water Filling our Oceans,

by Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, Edited by Debbra A. Knapp, BS, MS, 10/31/2019,
 Also Published on ScienceAndTheBible.net,


In the written accounts from Ancient Religions, in the so called creation myths of both the Ancient Hebrews and Ancient Egyptians are found correct technical details about the forming of the oceans and continents of our planet, about where the water for our ocean came from, about how that abundance of water got into the oceans, and even information about water on other planets and in the open space of the solar system.  Ancient knowledge in these technical details is found to be consistent with the recent discoveries by modern science.  Recently, modern science discovered several of these technical details over ten years after their recognition in the ancient accounts had been published. In effect, ancient technical knowledge published in ancient religious accounts anticipates or predicts recent scientific discoveries.  In addition to being consistent with yet undiscovered modern science, the ancient accounts put these technical details in the proper chronological order. Recognizing the correctness of information in the ancient accounts, and the story of the complex modern science search for that same information reveals the impossibility of the typical politically correct explanations for the existence of such ancient knowledge.  This paper focuses on the ancient record of the details concerning the water of our oceans, where it came from, how it got here, and the timeline of modern science discovery of those same details.

 Recent Technical Knowledge Discovered in Ancient Literature,
Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, June 6, 2019,
 Also Published on ScienceAndTheBible.net,


Nearly fifty years ago, November 14, 1969, at 11:22 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, thirty-six and a half seconds after lift off, lightning struck and followed the conductive vapor plume of the Apollo 12 rocket trail directly to the launchpad on the ground.

In 1969, it was a complete surprise that the Apollo 12’s rising vapor plume caused lightning to be directed to the ground; to its own launchpad.  NASA had not anticipated it.

Some thirty years after Apollo 12, in 2003, humans had gained sufficient knowledge to invent a lightning rocket that applied the same scientific principles for the specific purpose of directing lightning to its own launchpad by means of a rising vapor plume.

Meanwhile, modern science has learned many technical details about the physics of air and water and how to direct its strike utilizing those unique properties.

Those newly discovered technical details are reviewed in this paper and compared to the technical details recorded in an ancient account from some three thousand years ago.  Those recorded technical details indicate ancient knowledge of the science behind directed lightning; ancient knowledge of technical information only recently discovered by modern science.

 Modern Science Discovery Predicted by Ancient Religious Literature,
Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, August 17, 2018,
 Also Published on ScienceAndTheBible.net


Modern science recently announced the discovery of something that was already published, thousands of years ago in the ancient religious literature of the Hebrews and the Egyptians.  The discovery was that the continents formed suddenly, emerging from below the water of our previously ocean covered planet.  Four other significant technical details are in this discovery.  All five technical details are mentioned in that ancient literature.

Secular scholars have postulated that those ancient writings are myth; the Egyptian came first then copied by the Hebrews and adapted to their religion.  But where did that ancient information originally come from?  One is obviously copied from the other.  Which came first?  This new scientific discovery is evidence that bears on that question.  This latest scientific discovery shows that the technical details in those ancient accounts are true.

Now that we are dealing with true details in accounts of actual events, strict rules apply.

Did the Egyptian Creation Myth come first, then copied by the Hebrews?  Technical details in the ancient accounts along with modern science discovery dictate otherwise.  There is a basic principle that applies to accounts of actual events.  A copy cannot have more correct technical detail than the original.  The technical details in the current modern science discovery were published first in the Ancient Hebrew literature.  Later they were copied into the Ancient Egyptian religion.  The evidence shows how this could have happened.

Remember the story in the bible about Joseph the Hebrew whose brothers had sold into slavery and ended up in Egypt where he rose to prominence?  Pharaoh of Egypt himself, upon recognizing Joseph as a religious man, arranged for a marriage between Joseph and the daughter of the religious leader of Egypt.  His father-in-law, Potipherah was priest of the temple in the Ancient city of Heliopolis.  That was the temple at the center of the Egyptian Sun God worship, where the Egyptian Creation Myth originated.  Joseph remembered his Hebrew religion.  Could that be where the Ancient Egyptian Religion got the information which was already in the more detailed Hebrew Writings?

There are many creation accounts in the bible, not just the one up front.  Those accounts, although ignored for thousands of years, contain a wealth of technical information about the origins.  Those ancient biblical accounts mention on the order of a hundred technical details that are consistent with technical details that either have been, or are being confirmed by modern science discovery.  The Egyptian Creation Myth, the assumed original, contains only five of those details.  The lesser technical details cannot be the source of the more.

Ironically, researchers typically opposed to a creator are the ones discovering this evidence.  Even more ironic is the fact that this information that is in the process of being discovered by science has been in the bible for thousands of years, and experts, scientists and theologians alike have been blinded to it.  But it is there, plain and simple, for all to see.

Intellectually Honest Answer to the Six Days of Genesis Dilemma,
Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, Debbra A. Knapp, BS, MS, 6/30/2019,
 Also Published on ScienceAndTheBible.net,


Christians are faced with a dilemma.

Their good book contains a schedule of the origins that puts everything into a six-day chronology only a few thousand years ago. 

For thousands of years that six-day chronology has been assumed to be the official biblical position concerning the beginnings.

A few hundred years ago a dilemma arose when modern science began discovering the six-day chronology is in conflict with reality.

Untold effort has gone into resolving the conflict, but to no avail.  There have been many attempts, but until now there has been no consensus on how to reconcile the two. 

Intellectually honest analysis concludes either the six-day schedule of Genesis 1 is not the true chronology, or science is wrong.  None of the compromises is intellectually honest.

For decades the dilemma has been assumed to be whether to believe the bible or science.

Now an alternate chronology has been recognized.  There are at least thirty-four major creation accounts in the bible, not just one up front as has been traditionally assumed. 

In that myriad of biblical accounts is recorded a chronology that is not only inconsistent with the six-day chronology, it contains many more details, is consistent from account to account and consistent with reality even to the point that it predicts yet undiscovered scientific discoveries.

These are two different biblical chronologies, the six-day schedule that is found in only one account and inconsistent with both the rest of the bible and with reality, or the one found in thirty-four biblical accounts that is both internally consistent and consistent with reality.

The dilemma then becomes:  Which biblical chronology is intended to be reality, and which is fiction?  Under the rules of logic, opposites cannot both be true.   Both could be fiction, or one could be true and the other fiction, but both could not be true; at least one must be fiction.  If one is to be considered to be the official position of the bible as to the actual chronology of the origins, then which one? 

In this paper are some of the evidences that the alternate biblical chronology of the beginnings is the one originally intended to be the official biblical position.


Significant Technical Papers Published on ScienceAndTheBible.net:


Glossary - The Technical Meanings of Religious Words. ,
Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, A work in progress,

Thirty-Four Biblical Creation Accounts. ,
Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, December 18, 2008,


Summary of Biblical Creation Chronology. ,
Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, 2008,

Reprinted from "Eyewitness to the Origins," 2008


Chronology and Detail According to the Bible. ,
Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, 2008,

Editors Note:  This is a excerpt from the book, Eyewitness to the Origins published in 2018 for the purpose of explaining the organization of the detail in Biblical Creationism.  It is in need of updating because much more technical detail has been recognized since it was first published.

Chronology of Existence from Eternity Past to Eternity Future Chart. ,
Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, 2008,

Editors Note:  This is a excerpt from the book, Eyewitness to the Origins published in 2018 for the purpose of explaining the organization of the detail in Biblical Creationism.  It is in need of updating because much more technical detail has been recognized since it was first published.


The Story Behind the Legend of the Firmament. ,
Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, December 18, 2008,

The Mystery of the Actual Physical Existence of God. ,
Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist, February 28, 2011,


Best regards,

Max B. Frederick

Max B. Frederick, an Old Scientist.